So here lies the issue. I have long since loved Rent. I loved the play, I loved the soundtrack, and I am loving that the show is coming to town next month. Just in time to live up to the promise of taking Jess for her birthday. Since I saw the show a couple of years ago she and I have listened to the soundtrack endlessly. At first I turned it off or down on the songs with four letter words, or lied to her when she asked about the meaning of some of the words like bisexual, aids, etc. She was and is young, so does her sweet little head need to be filled with issues like that? No.
But I am taking her to see it at the Warner Theater, and here is the reason. The show does deal with Aids, homosexuality, differences, but overall, it deals with love. It does not mean that we have to judge this lifestyle, or that I'm trying to force her to tolerate something she may or may not find tolerance for in her own life. But I am taking her to see it. I do not believe that she will forgo her value system just because she sees a show. And she has been enjoying the soundtrack, the meaning of the words in the soundtrack, for long enough. It's a heavy show, but I'm taking her.
I have gotten a lot of flack for this choice, but I have faith in her. Many have said that I'm forcing her to deal with something she's not ready, but watching a show that raises awarness, maybe helps put some of her own life in perspective, and one to which she's loved the music too for years is something we both are looking forward to. The thing is, the show does not celebrate "sin", it celebrates love, the differences that we all have to face whatever we believe, and brings to light the human side of these issues. She may deem the actions sinful, but she will see that they are portraying people who are just people. I don't want to raise her to judge, but I also don't want to raise her to accept things that she views as wrong. I guess my long winded point is that the show deals with hard topics, and I want to her to be able to enjoy theater, music, life, and not have her beliefs either be at risk or have her turn into some judgemental person who has no understanding of human nature, therefore missing out on the things she could really enjoy through the filter of God's word.
If you feel the need to pray for us, to pray for protection over our minds and spirits, I gladly accept that. But I for one cannot wait to sing, clap, dance, enjoy and share something that I've enjoyed for so long with my baby, err, teenager.
I applaud you for doing this. I have a hunch that you have prepared her for this. Children need to exposed to the real world. If parents don't do it, they will find out through their friends/classmates. You will be showing her life on your terms-not the world's terms.
Posted by: Patti | March 12, 2006 at 11:00 AM
thanks Patti, I agree with you and appreciate your boldness and understanding of why I'm so excited!
Posted by: Karyn | March 12, 2006 at 04:00 PM