I am Jewish by birth. I became a Christian at 17, mostly because the man who had been witnessing to me never gave up, and besides have no arguments I wanted him to shut up! He was my dearest friend of the opposite sex, and has been married to my best friend of the same sex for fifteen years, and together they have three amazing children. I am the one, if something should ever happen to my friends, that their kids would come to, and same here. If something ever happened to me I'd want my kids with Kate and Craig!
But Craig really was determined, and I remember being 17, in my bed listening to a radio Pastor pray the sinners prayer. I prayed it with him, and when it got the part about Jesus dying for my sins, and my accepting Him as my Savior I knew if I said yes there would be no turning back. At that moment I stopped. I remember feeling as though I was floating above myself, the room spinning, and when I looked down at myself on my bed I saw me, only hollowed out. Not really dead, but not really alive. In that moment I knew who I would continue to be without Jesus, and it scared me into a profession of faith and commitment I'm still trying to live up to. After, I got up and went about my business, but kept it to myself for awhile. Not out of shame, but the way a person might keep a new love all to themselves at first, to sort of revel in it and enjoy the secrecy.
The day came when I informed my Jewish mother of my choice. I was asked to move out. Really I was tossed out on my ear, but hey, God provided and I was always safe and cared for. The thing she didn't understand was that by accepting Christ I was not trying to turn my back on my upbringing but fully living it. I take great pride in my heritage. So why the declaration for help? I don't feel that I have a full grasp of the issues in the Middle East at this point in my life and I have a deep desire to know and understand. I am hoping to find some reading material, personal insights, anything. I want to comprehend prophecy, know the place of the Jewish people in God's plan, understand myself as His a little better. I do feel that "End Times" issues have to do with this very explosive region, and, well, I just want to know more. I'd really appreciate any feed back, and I live in between five book stores, including a Family, so picking up a few books on the topic is fairly easy to do.
i'm aware of what is going on in the middle east, or at least what is being reported as going on, and i don't get it.
Posted by: better safe than sorry | February 05, 2006 at 07:57 PM
You state that you were not turning your back on your heritage, but finding fulfillment in Christ. Have you read Lauren Winner's book, Girl Meets God? It is her story of becoming a Christian after following and studying her Jewish faith. I have been so impacted by many of her observations and expeiences in that book. In her book, Mudhouse Sabbath, she ties many of the Jewish customs to her Christian faith.
My own Christian experience has been enriched by reading these books, and I've been a Christian a long time.
Posted by: Beverly | February 09, 2006 at 07:17 PM
Karyn, I loved readying your testimony. that is powerful. Regarding endtimes theology (the big theological word is "eschatology"), i might recommend checking out some of Pastor John Piper's thoughts HERE:
He is a teacher and theologian I (and many) have a deep respect for, and he handles the Word very well.
My own endtimes position is pretty simple, I guess. These may or may not be EVERYONE's end times - but undeniably, they are MY endtimes. I have maybe another 50, 60 years left. Maybe. Maybe. That's nothing... so I don't want to waste it.
Posted by: van.diesel | February 10, 2006 at 10:56 AM