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February 03, 2006


better safe than sorry

i'm aware of what is going on in the middle east, or at least what is being reported as going on, and i don't get it.


You state that you were not turning your back on your heritage, but finding fulfillment in Christ. Have you read Lauren Winner's book, Girl Meets God? It is her story of becoming a Christian after following and studying her Jewish faith. I have been so impacted by many of her observations and expeiences in that book. In her book, Mudhouse Sabbath, she ties many of the Jewish customs to her Christian faith.
My own Christian experience has been enriched by reading these books, and I've been a Christian a long time.


Karyn, I loved readying your testimony. that is powerful. Regarding endtimes theology (the big theological word is "eschatology"), i might recommend checking out some of Pastor John Piper's thoughts HERE:

He is a teacher and theologian I (and many) have a deep respect for, and he handles the Word very well.

My own endtimes position is pretty simple, I guess. These may or may not be EVERYONE's end times - but undeniably, they are MY endtimes. I have maybe another 50, 60 years left. Maybe. Maybe. That's nothing... so I don't want to waste it.

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