Before I write about the part of the movie "The Island" that moved me so, I just want to say something about life in the blogging commumity.
I started blogging needing an outlet for my pain, my grief in the loss of my husband and a place to be authentic and hopefully meet one or two authentic souls along the way. Little did I know. Little did I know how my life would be blessed by the computer! I could read the day away and still not touch on all the stories out there that move me in different ways.
Lately I have been raw. Not just sad or angry, although that is certainly a part of it, but raw. I realized that it's because of this community of people who share so openly. It's finding a place where I am accepted after years of being rejected. I have a place to rest after being on gurard for so long. Finally the feelings that have been buried so deep surface, and I find that healing may be a reality. But it means walking on a dark path first, before moving into the light that I catch a glimps of every once in a while. My pain story is compex. 9/11 taking my husband of thriteen years, single parenting and watching as their lives are also impacted by the death of their amazing father. A new relationship with a man who though I love has added elements to my story that I was not prepared for. And of course my walk with a God, who has revealed Himself to me in many different ways of late. I've enjoyed seeing Him in the words of Natala, Susie, Hope and all the many who share honestly their unique stories of relationship with Him.
Yes I am raw. And when I first started blogging I thought if no one responds, no one reads what I write that's ok, I'm doing this to help myself find my way. Now I realize that what makes this a healing experience is the people. The wonderful, amazing, honest beautiful people who give away of themselves so that others may be blessed. This experience of reading and writing has become much more than I ever imagined it would be. Thank you, thank you to all who have written, read, commented. Thank you for being honest, authentic and sharing your gifts. I feel like I have a new list friends to call on, and can be a friend as well, for that's how this becomes community.
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