Well, sort of back. The last few weeks have been rough, and to try to write about it all now would require more time than I have right now! I'm off to see a lawyer, nothing drastic but distressing none the less. My Jessica has found a way to take her mind off the boy who dumped her and caused her a multitude of pain. Instead of plotting his demise, which I could have lived with, she has since discovered that a guy who has liked her for a year now is suddenly the cat's meow. Now this is not to give the impression that she jumped into a relationship with him, since she's 13 and not really allowed to "date". The reason she and Spencer were allowed to call each other "boyfriend and girlfriend" was because we trusted him, new his family, knew the values he was being raised with, and he showed nothing but the utmost respect for her. Most importantly, he held to the same religious beliefs and goals as we do, which may be a bit naive but did bring us a peace. This is not to say that those who don't hold to the same beliefs we do are out of the picture, but when it comes to young love and the issue of purity you kind of want someone who is on the same page. Is it every parent's dream to have their daughter be married in white and mean it? In Passport to Purity the authors talk about how with every part of yourself you give away now it's one thing less you have to offer when the right person is on the scene. I know there are some things I wish I could re-do! Jessica is being raised this way, and this kid is not. Jessica sees a bigger picture, this kid has a hissy fit when he doesn't get his way. Jess is being brought up to put God and family first, our new boy toy has told me that every time he leaves his house he has to lie to his folks, and though he attends a Christian school it is more a last resort on the part of his folks than a choice made to re-enforce home beliefs. He says he feels the same way about God as she does, but his actions shout the opposite. Her response when we talked about all this: I'm going to tell him all this when he asks me out. Now, first of all she's not going out with anyone, secondly, it is not her job to try to change him but to demonstrate through the way she lives what she believes and to tell him why if he asks. But, she likes him soooo much and somehow I guess I'm supposed to be OK with that. Let the fireworks begin!
So then there is the issue of this pesky ulcer that has left me bed-ridden and sick. Seriously, I feel like I have the flu and electric shocks running through my joints. The medicine, while a modern miracle I understand, makes me feel like throwing up is a competitive sport. 2 antibiotics, three pills, twice a day. 2 tummy pills, also twice a day. So about ten pills a day. My glands were so swollen that my hearing went. No lie, glands pushing in so hard on my sinuses and ear drums so deeply that I felt like someone pushed the mute button on my world. Though that's getting better, the wonderful side effects that such high doses of antibiotics leave many females with just feels like insult to injury! So basically from my head to my, well, lower half, there is a site of discomfort on each level. And the fatigue is mind and body numbing. I pick up car pool and feel like a swam a mile. A shower, that's it for the day. And poor Colette, she has been keeping me company, but I can hardly muster the energy to converse with her, something that we both enjoy so much. At this point she just sits on my bed with me doing her homework and watching cartoons, asking me to watch this and that with her, and though I can fake it for awhile it's not long before her words get jumbled in my head, what I can hear anyway, and we're having two different conversations. Bless her soul, she's so loving she keeps making me things and bringing me her stuffed friends to snuggle. Her love warms my heart so much. Even Jessica, in the middle of what I would call the hardest stage and issues we've ever gone through, has softened toward me and is checking up on me. Of course, she's still wanting rides everywhere, money, and her laundry done, but hey, at least she's being nicer these days! Is this what it takes? Seriously, do I have to run myself into the ground and become so ill I can't function in order for her to show some selflessness? Are all teenagers this self focused? And why oh why did I think mine would be any different? I feel so blessed in so many ways with both my girls, they do well in school, they love God and most of the time they make wise choices. They don't fight often, and Jessica looks after Colette even when Colette is being a bit bratty to her. But this boy stuff, the broken heart and the new love interest, this I can't deal with. I know I have to and I will, but wow is it harder having a teenager than I ever imagined. I have said "I wish Lenny were here" more times in the last few months than in all the years put together since he died. Man do I wish he were here to help me raise these children. To help discipline when the disrespect that seems to mark this age rears it's ugly head. To help love, carry some of the emotional weight of the pain and confusion of this age. And to listen to me. To listen to my fears, share my joys and not only advise me on what to do but help me do it. But ya, mostly to listen. I'm afraid. I'm sad. I'm angry. The truth of the matter is besides him I can't really think of anyone who cares. Yes Chris does, but he gets very focused on his stuff. Lenny's stuff was us, so it was all in a day of life. God, family, home and work. But mostly family. Always family. After seeing so many men, fathers, and how they are with their kids I can see now why so many thought of Lenny as such an amazing father. I'm not alone in that train of thought.
Well so much for my short post! Sorry if it's on a downward note, but hey, it's my life right now so anything else would be a lie.
I miss you guys!
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